Why do I ask?

When I was pregnant with Morgan, I worried that she would inherit my seasonal allergies, that I might have forgotten to take my prenatal vitamin, etc. When she was born, I worried that I would make mistakes that would cause damage to this perfect creation of God. I never worried that she might be "too smart" . . .

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dinner Conversation

The good news is that Easter dinner conversation didn't include anything about snails eating dead shrimp, as it was not at our house. However, it was a very interesting Easter conversation around the table.

We were eating ribs, and M started asking about the food.

M ~ Ribs of an animal?
me ~ yep. All meat comes from animals. So do eggs (gesturing to deviled eggs)
Grandpa ~ ribs from a pig. [said with much gusto and a smirk]
M (between bites) ~ Do pigs have cartilage?
Grandma ~ no.
me ~ yes.
Grandma ~ well, not in the part we're eating. Ribs don't move.
me ~ yes they do.
M inspects her food, using her fingers to explore for cartilage.
Grandma ~ yeah, well not like a knee or elbow. They don't move far.
me ~ They have cartilage at the joints where they attach to the spine.

At this point, I started thinking about the Chronicles of Narnia where the children overhear the giants' conversation about a talking horse that had been prepared for the meal they were eating. Awkward.

It felt like another "new normal" kind of moment, so I wanted to share . . .

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