I was reminded today of one of the fun idiosincrosies and want to make sure I'm not painting an overly dark view of the whole thing.
Driving through McDonald's, my daughter started asking us "Do you have your payment ready?" Now, this sounds pretty funny coming from a small child, but especially because on her own, she probably would have phrased it differently. After a few times, I broke down and said, "why do you ask?" She was reading the sign over the drivethrough window over the payment window and wanted to make sure we were following the rules :)
Another time, she asked if we could drive a different way to swimming. That isn't a normal request, so I asked about it. She didn't like the "deaf child" sign in that neighborhood and was afraid kids might die if we kept going that way. She had learned to read quite well, but spelling and sounding out words had not yet melded. Poor thing thought she was taking her life into her hands by riding to swimming lessons each week!
The most endearing part, personally, is her love of animals and science related to them. I share this interest and thoroughly enjoy hearing her tell me all about the things she's learning about different animals and species and habitats. Given the choice, she's just as likely to choose a National Geographic documentary to a Disney animated movie. . . maybe more likely, even.
Is any of this resonating with anyone reading it? I'd love to hear your chuckles, whether or not you consider your child gifted! In fact, most of the active parents in our local gifted group never thought they would be there in the first place, and I love them for that :) I wondered what on earth I was doing even looking into it before we got any test results on our daughter.
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