Why do I ask?

When I was pregnant with Morgan, I worried that she would inherit my seasonal allergies, that I might have forgotten to take my prenatal vitamin, etc. When she was born, I worried that I would make mistakes that would cause damage to this perfect creation of God. I never worried that she might be "too smart" . . .

Monday, April 15, 2013

Intensity and Hypersensitivity

I know many who deal with hypersensitivities in their children, such as an unwillingness to wear socks other than about 2 threadbare pairs.

In our home, intensity is the thing. They can go together often, and I definitely have a hypersensitivity to sound, while my daughter has a need to be constantly moving - hyper motor sensitivity. There are so many labels. I also know many adults and children with ADD or ADHD, among other labels. Some are also labeled highly gifted (which makes them twice exceptional or 2e) and others are not.

Check out this blog post from the perspective of more than one of those situations. It's always good to have suggestions from someone experienced with gifted learners.


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